Ayurvedic Remedy for Mosquito Bite Prevention
Ayurvedic Remedy for Mosquito Bite Prevention Read More »
1)Muskmelon seeds 5 gms2)Cucumber seeds 5 gms3)Bottle Gourd seeds 5 gms4)Pumpkin seeds 5 gms5)Watermelon seeds 5 gms How to take:Take 5 gms of these seeds, total 25 gms mix seeds, in half a litre of water.Then boil it, until its 100 ml.Then sieve it and drink theConcoction. Good for:Reducing body heat and dehydration. Dr. Mansi
Home Remedy For Body Heat Read More »
In the realm of Ayurveda, ‘Guru Guna’ signifies a sense of heaviness or the state of being heavy. This characteristic is one among the 20 ‘gunas’ or attributes observed in any substance or food. Generally, heaviness alludes to something that possesses substantial weight and exerts a stronger gravitational pull. This sensation is also applicable to
Heavy Feeling or Heaviness and It’s Impact on Weight Loss Read More »
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Avail 15% discount on Max Protein products Read More »
You might have heard that eating a good amount of protein regularly can help you lose weight. Well, that’s true! Think of protein as a superhero in your body – it can speed up your metabolism by 15 to 30%, which is like giving your body an energy boost. Plus, protein is like a hunger-buster;
How Protein Can Affect Your Weight: A Simple Explanation Read More »
Alcohol is a thin, clear liquid with a harsh burning tasteconsumed generally for its intoxicating effects.It is available in the form of various alcoholicbeverages.Alcohol supplies 7 kcal of energy per gram, but it is aharmful drug to the body rather than just calculatingcalories.Alcohol is made from sugar through a method called“Fermentation” in which “yeast” breaks
Increase water/fluid intake to a minimum of 3-4 liter’s a day (for women) or 4-5 liter’s a day (for men). In case of any extra fluid losses (caused by heavy sweating due to exercise and/or hot, humid climate, or diarrhoea/vomiting) Water intake must also be well-distributed throughout the day to ensure that the urine is
Nutritional Guidelines for Kidney Stones Read More »
Infused water for SUMMER: 1. Apple, Basil and Lemon water 2. Berries, Orange, and Ginger 3. Pineapple, Coconut, and Lime: 4. Watermelon, Kiwi, and Lime: 5. Grapefruit, Pomegranate, and Mint: 6. Musk melon, amla or lemon and Ginger
The amount of calcium that we eat, need not be the amount of calcium that gets absorbed because there are certain factors, which may hinder or enhance the absorption of calcium. Only the amount absorbed, will be used for physiological functions like bone mineralization or to limit bone loss. Age influences the absorption of calcium.
Factors Affecting Calcium Absorption.. Read More »