* Do you want to know what is a Balanced meal ?
* Is carbs good for you ?
What are simple and complex carbs ?
Can we eat wheat (gluten) ?
* What is Omega 3 ?
Which oil is good for cooking ?
What are good and bad fats ?
* Do you take enough proteins as per your requirement ?
What are complete and good quality proteins ?
* Is milk good for health ?
* What is the ideal requirement of water ?
Is it good to drink water before, after or in between meals ?
* What is ideal time for eating fruits, mornings evenings or night ?
* What is the role of vitamins and minerals in our diet ?
Why Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 play an important role ?
And many more…….
To clear your doubts and enhance your knowledge for day to day nutrition, I have planned 3 days (2 hours per day) workshop, which will have in-depth information regarding day to day cooking with balanced nutrition.
When: 8th, 10th & 12th January 2018 (Mon, Wed & Fri)
Timing: 11 am to 1 pm
Venue: In Mulund (Details to be communicated in due course)
Workshop Charges: Rs. 3,000.
Register latest by 31st December, 2017.
For more details, Contact on Whatsapp:
Dr. Mansi Pujara
+91 98205 39466